Top 10k strings from Bismark - Strategy Two (1983)(ASP Software).z80
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4 ;S$;S$;S$;S$: 3 *(P(UNIT,4 2 NF=NFORCE: 2 M(UNIT)=20 2 INSTRUCTIONS 2 ;S$;S$;S$;S$;: 2 ;S$;S$;S$;S$; 2 ),P(UNIT,1 2 abcdefghijklmnopqrst 1 Y=P(UNIT,2 1 X=P(UNIT,4 1 X=P(UNIT,1 1 X$="TURN "+X$: 1 X$=" SINK THE BISMARK ": 1 X$=" FLEET TURNED BACK TO REFUEL ": 1 X$=" YOU HAVE LOST ": 1 X$=" THE BISMARK HAS SUNK SIR ": 1 X$=" BISMARK HAS ESCAPED SIR ": 1 W$="POOR": 1 TURN=TURN+1 1 SCORE=SCORE-BIST: 1 SCORE=SCORE-203 1 SCORE=SCORE+P(I,4 1 SCORE=SCORE+P(I,3 1 SCORE=SCORE+100 1 PROGRAM STARTS HERE 1 PF=PF+P(J,3 1 NUMBER INPUT 1 NFORCE=NFORCE+1 1 MAIN LOOP 1 M(NFORCE)=J 1 LOSS>P(UNIT,4 1 LOSS=P(UNIT,4 1 King George V & Repulse 1 J=P(UNIT,5 1 HIT>P(M(I),3 1 HIT=P(M(I),3 1 DBL HEIGHT 1 BIST=BIST-HIT: 1 BIST=BIST-HIT 1 BCCACADBBCCB 1 B2=B2+R(SQ,2 1 B2=B2+R(I,2 1 B1=B1+R(SQ,1 1 B1=B1+R(I,1 1 AIR ATTACK 1 ;s$;s$;s$;s$; 1 ;U$;" has ";P(UNIT,4 1 ;S$;S$;S$;S$ 1 ;S$;S$;S$: 1 ;"map now show her likely positions at the start." 1 ;"Your Score was ";SCORE; 1 ;"You have 13 turns (until 1200hrs27th May) to find the Bismark. After that your ships run short of fuel and have to return.": 1 ;"Which force will you move Sir"''"(Enter 0 if no more moves)": 1 ;"The left of the screen shows a map of the game area with 'East'at the top. The 1 ;"The arrow keys move your ships. Each force can be moved once perturn. Vian's Destroyers can move3 squares a turn, others only 2." 1 ;"No sightings of Bismark reported": 1 ;"If the Bismark is in sight, her position will be shown by ' 1 ;"Bismark sighted Sir! Position "; 1 ;". 0 2 4 5": 1 ;"- / 1 3 -"; 1 ;"(Max Score 100)" 1 ;"(";N$(I);")"; 1 ;"(";N$(I);") "; 1 ;"'()*+,"; 1 ;"!""#$%&"; 1 ;" Will you continue the fight?": 1 ;" WINNING: "' 1 ;" WEATHER: "' 1 ;" THEY HAVE MOVED SIR ": 1 ;" THEY HAVE BEEN SUNK SIR! ": 1 ;" Press ENTER to continue "; 1 ;" Number of planes lost = ";LOSS;" "' 1 ;" Number of hits reported = ";HIT;" " 1 ;" Move Force ";UNIT;": "' 1 ;" HITS ON BISMARK REPORTED = ";HIT;" " 1 ;" AIR STRIKES: "' 1 ;" (Press 1 ;" ";P(M(I),3 1 ;" ";;P(X,3 1 ;" You cannot move off the map ": 1 ;" This is the game display. The date and time are at top right. The game starts at 0600hrs on 24th May and each turn = 6hrs." 1 ;" SUNK ": 1 ;" PLANES ATTACKING BISMARK SIR ": 1 ;" On 21st May 1941 the Bismark and the Prinz Eugen left Bergen for the Atlantic, to raid the British sea-routes."''" Early on 24th May they met HMSHood and HMS Prince of Wales andbattle was joined. At 6am the Hood was sunk and the damaged Prince of Wales had to retreat." 1 ;" Key "" 1 ;" BISMARK FIRING!! ": 1 ;" They did not find her Sir. ": 1 ;" The Bismark's strength is 30 and her guns are more accurate than those of your ships, so it is important to attack her with superior forces." 1 ;" THEY MISSED SIR! ": 1 ;" OUR FORCES ARE FIRING SIR. ": 1 ;" Do you want to play again? ": 1 ;" Do you want INSTRUCTIONS 1 ;" THEY MISSED SIR! ": 1 ;" S T O P T H E T A P E 1 . where?": 1 . BYE BYE 1 )=P(UNIT,4 1 )=P(M(I),3 1 );" planes"'"fit to fly Sir."''"Shall we fly them this turn?" 1 )+(X$="8")-(X$="5"): 1 )+(X$="6")-(X$="7") 1 (BIST/(NFORCE+1 1 (B2-P(UNIT,2 1 (B1-P(UNIT,1 1 's show the position of your ships." 1 's on the ": 1 '''" In real life the Bismark was sunk at 1040hrs on 24th May, if she had escaped the course of the war might have been very different.": 1 ''" SCORING: "; 1 ''" DO YOU WANT INSTRUCTIONS AGAIN ": 1 ''" You have to direct the ships hunting for the Bismark."''''" Let's have a look at the forces available to you 1 ''" The British Navy now had the vital task of finding and sinking the Bismark."'''" This game starts at the time when the Hood has been sunk and contact with the Bismark lost." 1 '" COMBAT: "' 1 '" If the Bismark heads South or West to attack the convoy routesthe there is a good chance of catching her. If she heads Norththen she will have a good chanceof escape." 1 '" After this battle the German ships separated, the Prinz Eugenran for safety to Brest harbour and the Bismark 1 "ONE","TWO","THREE","FOUR","FIVE","SIX","SEVEN","EIGHT","NINE","TEN","ELEVEN","TWELVE","THIRTEEN" 1 "King George V & Repulse","Norfolk & Suffolk","2nd Cruiser Squadron","Victorious","Sheffield","Ark Royal","Vian's Destroyers","Rodney & 4 Destroyers","Renown","Dorsetshire & Edinburgh","Birmingham & Manchester","Ramillies" 1 " Each Carrier can fly 3 strikesduring the game. The range of the planes is about 4 squares. If they find the Bismark they will attack her.": 1 weather they also see the adjacent squares, and your Aircraft Carriers may be able to fly air strikes." 1 weather they only see the square they are in." 1 to stop)" 1 You have 2 carriers,the Victorious with 9 Swordfish torpedo bombers and the Ark 1 To attack the Bismark a ship must be in the same square.The Bismark may attack weaker forces, and always fires first." 1 The weather affects howfar away your ships can spot theBismark. In 1 STRENGTH": 1 SINK THE BISMARK 1 S H I P S 1 Royal with 15." 1 In this game you can score a maximum of 100 points bysinking the Bismark with no lossto your forces. If the Bismark escapes you get a minus score." 1 In a sense the British could not win the battle after the loss of the Hood, but they could certainly lose it." 1 DAMAGE REPORT 1 ";P(UNIT,5 1 ";P(UNIT,4 1 ";P(UNIT,3